We are SO THRILLED to finally be able to share that we have been chosen to participate in the Builders and Backers / Heartland Forward Stepping Stones Intensive, which comes with $25,000 in funding and a path to $1Million and three new local employees! INCREDIBLE! There are big things happening for 1GR!⁣

1 Girl Revolution was chosen as the ONLY representative from Detroit/Michigan, the ONLY nonprofit organization participating, and one of only 12 individuals/companies to participate. This is so exciting and there are so many great things to come in 2024 and beyond!⁣

The Builders + Backers/Heartland Stepping Stone Intensive is a transformative journey designed to turn budding ideas into flourishing businesses. By participating in this program, Builders receive focused mentorship, strategic planning tools, and engagement with industry experts, and a $25,000 grant — invaluable resources that will accelerate any business.⁣⁣⁣⁣

Participants are set on a definitive path to become significant community contributors, with the goal of creating at least three local jobs. More than just a startup incubator, the Stepping Stone program helps each Builder envision the pathway to hit the coveted $1M revenue mark and then develop a tangible action plan to make it reality. With the Stepping Stone Intensive, Builders don’t just dream big, they achieve big.⁣⁣⁣⁣

What an incredible opportunity and we are so excited to be a part of Stepping Stones in 2024. Thank you Donna Harris, Kathleen Hale, and everyone at Builders + Backers and Heartland Forward for this AMAZING opportunity! ⁣⁣⁣⁣

GET INVOLVED in our work: Please consider joining the revolution and donating to our end-of-year giving campaign to help us continue our critical work to elevate the voices and stories of world-changing woman and girls and the issues/causes we should all care about… ⁣